
Title Plane
Book Number DW01128
Title Status Active
Medium Descriptive DVD
Annotation Pilot Brodie Torrance's heroic emergency landing to save his passengers from a lightning strike turns into a nightmare when they're taken hostage by rebels on a war-torn island, leaving him to rely on the help of an accused murderer named Louis Gaspare. Contains language, violence and disturbing images. Stars Gerard Butler and Mike Colter. 2023.
Local Subject DV - Action and Adventure - DVACT
DV - Adult Level - DVAL
DV - Contains Strong Language - DVST
DV - Contains Violence - DVVI
DV - Contains disturbing images - DVCDI
DV - Rated R - DVRR
DV - Thriller - DVTHR
DV - Suspense - DVSUS
Descriptive DVD (DW) - DW
Notes ENG
Language English
Released 2023
Publication Info 2023
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