Title | The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu and Their Race to Save the World's Most Precious Manuscripts |
Names | Hammer, Joshua. |
Book Number | LP022693 |
Title Status | Active |
Medium | Large Type |
Annotation | A journalist recounts the efforts of a small group of librarians and archivists in Mali to rescue thousands of rare manuscripts before they fell into the hands of the jihadists attacking the city of Timbuktu. Some strong language. 2016. |
Local Subject | Contains some strong language - SML |
Library & information sciences - 020 | |
Library - General libraries - 027 | |
Islamic - RELOI | |
Islamic Interest - ISI | |
Africa - AFRIC | |
History - HST | |
History - Africa - HWF | |
Short Book - SH | |
Non-Fiction - NF | |
Adult Book - ADB | |
Adult Non-Fiction - AN | |
Adult Reading Level - AD | |
Male Author - MA | |
Notes | A |
Language | English |
Released | 2016 |
Publication Info | 2016 |