Invisible man

Title Invisible man
Names Ellison, Ralph.
Book Number DB009600
Title Status Active
Medium Digital Book
Annotation Classic novel of man's search for identity. Follows a young black man from his youth in a Southern town through the depression years in Harlem, where he examines and rejects the values thrust on him by both whites and blacks.
Local Subject Male Narrator - MN
General Fiction - GFI
Male Author - MA
Adult Book - ADB
Adult Fiction - AF
Adult Reading Level - AD
Long Book - LO
Classics - CLA
Classics - 20th Century - Fiction - CLA20
Classics - American, Fiction - CLAA
African American / Black Author - AFBLA
African-American/ Black Interest - BLK
African American - Popular Authors - BLK-A
LC Subject African American men - Fiction
United States - Social conditions - Fiction
Downloadable books
Talking books
Notes ENG
Call Number 813.54 AFI
Language English
Released 1947
Publication Info Washington, D.C. : National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, 1947
Original Publication Recorded from: New York, Signet Books, 1947.
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